School Expectations

School Values

At Kaitaia Intermediate School we have four key values.  They are…

●        Staying safe - Haumarutia

●        Showing respect - Whakamana

●        Being responsible - Haepapatia

●        Striving for Excellence - Kairangi

Being prepared for school and for classes

●        Correct uniform is required to be worn at all times.

●        Arrive at school on time, ready to start learning from 8:50am (Supervision of students begins from


●        Correct stationery for all lessons

●        Ready to focus on learning, progress and achievement

Jewellery/Make up/Nail polish
The only jewellery permitted to be worn at school is

●        Simple plain gold or silver stud earrings

●        Taonga

Nose piercings/any facial piercings, necklaces/anklets/bracelets/chains are not permitted. Nail polish and make up are also not permitted. 

Mobile phones/Devices

●     Mobile phones and electronic devices are not permitted at school


We value learning time and expect to see our students at school every day.

Out of Bounds Areas
The following areas are out of bounds:

●  Outside of the school fences or gates

●  Around the back of the school

●  The car parks

●  The dairy

●  In classrooms without a teacher present

●  The staffroom (unless supervised)

●  Near the Technology block when outside schools are visiting for Technology classes



●  Bikes & scooters must be pushed when inside the school grounds.

●  Cyclists and students on scooters must wear helmets and students must bring a lock to keep bikes/scooters safe.

Bilingual/Reo Rua Class

Bilingual whānau classes are offered to create additional opportunities for students and whanau to access Te Reo Maori. Classes are composite Year 7 and 8.  Students entering these classes must be committed to learning and speaking Te Reo Maori and also be prepared to participate in the Kapa Haka Roopu.  Please complete the Whanau Reo Rua enrolment form in your information pack if you are interested in your child being in a Bilingual/Reo Rua class.

Breakfast Club/Fruit in School/School Lunches

Breakfast is provided at school (cereal and toast) and students are welcome to come to the staffroom between 8:20 am and 8:40 am for breakfast.  Fruit is also provided and is delivered to classes prior to interval each day.  Lunch is  provided daily for all students. 

Cyclists/Scooter Riders

Many students cycle/scooter to school and bike stands are located within our grounds for their convenience.  It is compulsory to wear a cycle safety helmet when riding both to and from school. Students who do not wear helmets to or from school will have their bicycles stored safely away until they commit to wearing a helmet.  Cyclists/Scooter riders are expected to walk bikes and scooters when in the school grounds. Cyclists heading towards town after school are expected to use the pedestrian crossing.  This positions them to ride their bikes on the correct side of the road.  For security, bike locks are recommended.


●        Chewing gum, lollies, and any drinks, other than water are not permitted at school.

●        Students are required to be seated when eating.


We encourage students to use sunblock and wear hats when outside during terms one and four.  Sunblock is provided in all classes and hats can be purchased with our uniform or from our school office.


Our school library offers a wide range of fiction, non-fiction, reference and other resource material which caters for a wide variety of reading and interest levels.   Our school librarian is committed to encouraging a love of books and other reading material with our students.  Classroom teachers are committed to helping students develop the research and information skills they need to become successful learners and users of information.  Our library is open and available to students at lunchtimes.


●        We encourage recycling where appropriate.

●        Bins are provided for litter.

Lost Property

Please enquire at the school office for any lost property. We advise naming all uniform items. 

Northern Health School

We also have Northland Health School attached to our school.  This is very useful for students who transition out of NHS and into our school.

Organisation of Classes

We collect information from our contributing schools about student achievement and learning needs.  This is considered when making class placements.  Whilst we do not accept requests for students to be placed with particular teachers, families are welcome to discuss their child’s learning needs with us and we will then work to make the best class placement for students based upon this information.  Classes are created based on the number of Year 7 and Year 8 students in the school.  We may have a mix of Year 7 and 8 students in classes, Year 7 classes only and/or Year 8 classes only, depending on numbers in year levels. 

PE gear

●        PE gear is expected to be worn for all PE/Sport lessons. 

●        Togs, a towel and a swimming cap are all required when using the school pool (Terms 1 and 4)

Physical Education/Sport

Physical Education/Sport lessons are part of the curriculum and are not optional.  Students are expected to participate, as they do in other learning areas.  These lessons occur at least once a week in each class and are an opportunity for students to improve their physical fitness, skills, coordination and teamwork.  Students are required to wear the school PE uniform (plain black shorts and our school PE t-shirt).

Resource Teacher of Learning and Behaviour

RTLB staff are based at Kaitaia Intermediate school.  The RTLB supports and works within the school, assisting staff with ensuring success for students experiencing learning and/or behaviour difficulties, whilst also supporting the development of inclusive teaching practices.

Resource Teacher of Maori

The Resource Teacher of Maori is based at Kaitaia Intermediate School.  Their workspace is used as a teaching space, a teacher development venue, and is a resource for all Far North schools to access information, ideas and activities. Contact details - 09-4081487.

Social Worker in Schools (SWIS)

Kaitaia Intermediate School has the services of a Social Worker in Schools.  This person is in our school one day per week and liaises with staff, students and families regarding the social wellbeing of students.  The social worker can be contacted via the school office.

School/Class Camps/Trips

Students may have the opportunity to attend day trips/camps/wānanga throughout the year.  Generally these trips are to compliment or support work studied in class.

Specialist Subject Classes

We have four specialist Technology teachers.  They teach Food Technology, Digital Technology, Hard Materials Technology and Soft Materials Technology.  The students receive two hours and twenty minutes of instruction per week and rotate around these subjects throughout the year. 


School stationery packs are available from Marston Moor from mid-January.  If individual teachers require additional stationery items, this will be communicated and will also be available from Marston Moor. Basic stationery items may also be purchased from the school office during the year, either before school or during breaks.

Student Progress/Reporting to Families

Within the first six weeks of school, there will be an opportunity for whanau to meet teacher/s.


●        Informal Report - this is a basic report, focused on our school values, expectations and routines and how your child has settled into the school year.

●        Mid-Year Progress Report - this is issued at the beginning of Term 3 and will form part of the discussion at Student Led Conferences.

●        End of Year Achievement Report - this is issued in December.


We encourage families to attend Student Led Conferences, where students select work to share, identify learning strengths and areas to improve and set goals.  They present this information to their whanau.  If you wish to make an appointment to see any teachers, this can be done via the school office at 09-4081490 or directly with your child’s teacher via email.

Students with Additional Needs

When a new student enrols at Kaitaia Intermediate who has ORS (Ongoing Resourcing Scheme) funding, a specialist teacher coordinates with the classroom teacher, parents/caregivers/whanau and other agencies to deliver appropriate programmes. 

Swimming Pool

We have a school pool facility with students having access to it at least once a day over the swimming season.  Students are expected to participate in swimming sessions as they are a part of the school programme like all other subjects.  Lunchtime swims are available during the warmer months.  For health and safety reasons, approved swimwear and swimming caps must be worn.

Visitors to School

For health and safety reasons, all visitors to the school must sign in (upon arriving) and sign out (upon leaving), using the electronic tablet (VisTab) in the office.